Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Reads!

Lenore Appelhans
I just read CRACKED by KM Walton. I cannot rave enough about this novel. I was so completely emotionally invested in these characters that I cried at least four times - and I hardly ever am moved to tears by books (maybe only around 10 in the whole history of my reading life post childhood).  Seriously amazing.

Elizabeth Norris
I just finished reading VARIANT by Robison Wells, and I read the whole book in two days. It was incredibly page turning. I'm dying for someone else to read it so that I can discuss the ending!

Emily Hainsworth
I am reading BEFORE I DIE by Jenny Downham. I've heard so many good things about this book, and they're all true. The writing is beautiful, the POV is almost too close, being told by a teen girl trying to LIVE as much as possible while dying from leukemia. Truly an emotional, well-written book.

Susanne Winnacker
I’m reading FOOL MOON by Jim Butcher. It’s the second book of “The Dresden Files” and I really enjoy it so far. Harry Dresden is such an anti-hero that I just can’t help liking him!

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